Safety tips for using a spotter when backing a waste collection truck

The NWRA, in partnership with SWANA, issued tips for preventing backing accidents through the use of a spotter.

The National Waste & Recycling Association (NWRA), in partnership with the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA), issued tips for preventing backing accidents through the use of a spotter Feb. 16 as part of their Safety Monday initiative. These tips are meant to help drivers and collection workers be safer when working on or near collection trucks.

Safety tips when using a spotter during backing

  • The driver must take full responsibility of the backing maneuver and the spotter’s safety.
  • If the driver loses sight of the spotter, stop!
  • A reliable and qualified guide can keep pedestrians out of the blind zone.
  • Agree on hand signals you both understand.
  • Turn off your radio and open your window when driving.
  • If you’re a driver, keep your guide in sight at all times. If your guide disappears from sight, stop immediately!
  • The final responsibility for safe backing remains with the driver, not the guide.
  • When in doubt, member G.O.A.L. (Get Out and Look).