Waste Today

Webchat: Innovating in a Changing World

As we look back a year ago when Covid dictated our New Normal, we couldn’t possibly predict how important technology would be on the future landscape of our business. The crisis changed our behavior forever. Although we feared change and the unknown, we rapidly took charge and digitized our businesses overnight. We realized the importance of being able to work remotely and do our work from anywhere at any time, all while maintaining a social distance. We embraced this change and adopted technology to invest in new ways of conducting our business -- even though things seemed to be running just fine before. We pivoted overnight and now as we move to the Next Normal, we know it is time to innovate. This is a changing world and we must stay agile to ride with the storms – deal with the ebbs and flows of the industry and the market and learn to establish processes to protect our business and improve the digital experience for our customers and our continued growth. The digital ‘trends’ we once considered as a future want, became reality and our curiosity for more increased with time. How can we get on the innovation bus to continue to drive the direction of our business moving forward?