Encamp launches end-to-end waste reporting solution

The company says the technology enhances its roster of solutions to bolster compliance and confidence in hazardous waste management and reporting.

Barrels with hazardous waste labels

Prapakorn | AdobeStock

Encamp, an environmental compliance data management and reporting company based in Indianapolis, has launched what it calls the first waste compliance product tailored to meet requirements laid out in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and state-level regulations.  

The company says the solution saves environmental, health and safety (EHS) professionals' time and gives them greater control and visibility over management and compliance reporting.  

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), large-quantity generators reported more than 34.9 million tons of hazardous waste in 2019. Even for facilities that generate small amounts of hazardous waste, maintaining the data to report on it while adhering to federal and state guidelines is no easy feat for EHS professionals. Encamp says its solution imports waste generation and disposal data from facilities and waste vendors into its compliance engine for reconciliation and threshold analysis. This streamlines management and reporting while providing actionable insights to EHS professionals. As part of the solution, Encamp's compliance experts help EHS professionals at every step to help navigate each facility or company's requirements and reach organizational goals.  

"Hazardous waste compliance requirements laid out in RCRA and by state agencies are not to be taken lightly, and the penalties reflect this," CEO and co-founder of Encamp Luke Jacobs says. "Encamp's platform and compliance experts work together to ensure mission critical compliance requirements are continually met by EHS teams at the world's most dynamic companies, ensuring tasks are completed on time and providing robust datasets at their fingertips."  

Key differentiators and benefits of the product include:  

  • waste vendor data collection;  

  • facility-level waste generation tracking;  

  • continual generator status tracking;  

  • seamless compliance filing and submission to federal and state regulators;  

  • single source of hazardous waste data; and  

  • help from RCRA compliance experts.  

"In a cluttered world of data, Encamp helps connect EHS managers to the places hazardous waste data is stored," says Jackie Velazquez, director of environmental compliance at Encamp. "The solution shows everything from individual waste streams to facility-level data and prompts teams to take the correct actions like managing manifests, submitting notifications and more."  

The product also provides an array of features and capabilities that help overcome common customer pain points. These features include:  

  • Data pipeline with waste vendors - Encamp says it connects with customers' hazardous waste vendors to automatically record collection and manifest data.  

  • Track generator status - The solution automatically tracks generator status based on data received and uploaded into Encamp's platform.  

  • Hazardous waste dashboard - EHS teams can see all hazardous waste data and monitor generator status trends, waste types and management methods.  

  • Filing and notifications - Encamp's powerful software automates filing in all state portals and the required mailings, as well as fee payments.  

This addition to the Encamp platform supports the company's goals of creating solutions that replace outdated, manual EHS processes and strengthen compliance teams. This digital transformation, in turn, gives environmental professionals vital data to help them keep comply with regulations and minimize their business's impact on the environment.  

Hear from regulatory compliance experts on the importance of maintaining hazardous waste records, how to track generator status updates, what records need to be kept and for how long, and receive a demo of the automated reporting system at Encamp's upcoming virtual event, "Hazardous Waste Records: What's Required." Learn more and register here.