NAWTEC 2018: Discovering the power of waste

The North American Waste-to-Energy Conference will focus on municipal waste-to-energy issues, technology and research initiatives.

This spring, waste-to-energy (WTE) professionals, solid waste directors, landfill gas and biogas experts, and solid waste industry leaders will gather in one spot to take a fresh look at how the waste-to-energy industry is evolving. The North American Waste-to-Energy Conference (NAWTEC), coming to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, May 14-16, is a leading technical conference and trade show focusing on municipal waste-to-energy operational issues and policy, technology and research initiatives. Hosted in tandem by the Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) and the Energy Recovery Council, NAWTEC will offer three days filled with insightful programming, networking events and unparalleled information-sharing opportunities.

The conference will also feature tours of the Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority (LCSWMA), which manages the municipal trash and recyclable materials from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, homes and businesses, as well as refuse for the city of Harrisburg and the surrounding communities. LCSWMA employs an integrated system for waste disposal and processing that ensures significant landfill diversion and generates enough energy to power one in five Lancaster County homes and businesses. 

Session spotlight

Assessing the impact of China’s National Sword on recycling in the U.S. and the implications for waste-to-energy

This presentation will highlight the recent customs inspection program that China launched in February, and the implications these restrictions will have on imported North American mixed paper and postconsumer plastics. The panel will share strategies for dealing with National Sword and introduce what to expect in the future in the waste-to-energy sector.


Examining best practices in waste-to-energy facility operations

This presentation will teach WTE facility operators about cost-effective solutions for stabilizing heavy metals in MSW residues to cover the gap between the leachability of toxic elements observed in residues and the leachability toxicity limits as per EPA’s regulatory threshold. The proposed methods to treat the plant’s combustion residues can result in significant potential savings.


R&D to support waste-to-energy

Established in 2003, the Waste to Energy Research and Technology Council (WTERT) now represents more than half of the world’s population. Global WTERT research and development includes all methods of waste management with a special concentration on combustion with energy recovery from post-recycling municipal wastes. This presentation will highlight all the progress made in 2017, as well as compare waste flow methodologies between Europe and the United States, evaluating where discrepancies arise.

This panel will explain the production of solid fuels from carbonaceous waste and lignocellulosic feedstock using a pilot scare torrefaction system. Industry experts will draw connections relevant to WTE with applications such as activated sludges, nonrecyclable plastics, and co-firing power plants. The event will conclude with the discussion of the state of the WTE industry in China, focusing on the technical performance aspects of facilities that have been built since 2015.


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