RouteSmart says online version now available

Software firm's online platform is designed to address complex waste hauling routing challenges.

RouteSmart Technologies' RouteSmart Online product is now available, and the Columbia, Maryland-based company says the platform has been designed to allow for faster, more efficient optimization of residential and commercial waste collection routes.

RouteSmart Online consists of technology that has been "tested and proven for decades by industry leaders.” The company says its online offering can help solve some of the most complex route planning challenges while providing “reliable results and real value.”

The RouteSmart Online web application has been designed to be integrated within the existing client-side systems already being used by waste management companies.

“It can balance daily workloads by time or volume and account for historical traffic patterns to give waste management organizations the most efficient route plans based on the time of day or day of the week,” according to the maker of RouteSmart Online.  

“This action signifies a major milestone in our commitment to providing solutions that cater to the evolving needs of waste management organizations,” says Chris Walz, a vice president with the company.

“By offering comprehensive residential and commercial service route planning, we are equipping organizations with a powerful tool to solve ‘collections chaos’ and achieve greater operational efficiency across the board."

By integrating residential and commercial service planning into what it calls a single, comprehensive platform, RouteSmart Online says it can allow organizations “to enhance overall operational efficiency” across their entire service portfolios.